Pirate Radio

Broadcast FM Radio


How it Works

Contact Information

How it Works:

Have you ever wanted to listen to a CD in the CD player of your computer elsewhere in the house. Wouldn't it be neat to hear it outside in your car while you wash or work on it. Wouldn't it be too kewl to transmit your own music to your neighbors and friends. Well these things are possible today and its not as much as you may think.

Using your computer as the Control Desk you will broadcast to your friends and neighbors on their FM Radio's! They will hear the music you are transmitting. You will be able to mix audio from your microphone, CD, MIDI, and Wav players all together.

Using your existing sound card and utilities you can mix the levels of your devices and even talk over and fade up just like a pro! This is a high powered device transmitting at full legal limits! Be the talk of your town with your own radio station!

Contact Information

Email us a metro@metroelectronics.com

(239) 561-6387



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